Remember, you can hear these messages any time with Chip Ingram will now with his talk from first Samuel chapter 18 appears to unfortunately in the place where God designed for authentic community occur. That's what chipmunk packs over the next couple programs if you have to miss one. What has to happen for us to personally enjoy the connection, especially in an increasingly connected culture.

Welcome to this Edition of Living on the Edge Chip Ingram chips or Bible teacher of this international discipleship program and I in this program should continue sincerely momentum to ignite your faith by dialing in on what it looks like to experience true friendship to know and to be no is a deep longing of every human heart.

I need someone that you couldn't trust your heart to someone is wisely said in order to find a good friend need to be one and today on Living on the Edge willing to talk about how to build deep, meaningful, authentic relationships that stand the test of time. Do you wish you had a really great friend.